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Children are a vital part of our Church. Find out more about what goes on for children on Sunday mornings. 

We look forward to seeing you there!


At Christ Church we especially want to partner with parents, so that our families would be spiritually healthy, relationally connected, and confidently transforming our communities with the good news about Jesus.


Bringing up children to be lifelong followers of Jesus happens day by day, in the normal routines of life at home. But Sundays play a massive part too - and remember, you're not alone as parents. As church together, we are tasked to tell the next generation of the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord.



Why do we have kids in church services the whole way through?


To put it simply, we believe that this helps our children to be spiritually healthy, for a few different reasons:

  • We want our children to grow up believing that they are part of church. They are church. It's not just an activity they're dragged to by their parents. We assume them to be "insiders," not "outsiders."


  • Children are able to worship God. Jesus loves children. He says that a "child-like faith" is to be admired and praised so we want to be parents who bring up their children in the faith. We don't wait until a child is 5... or 11... or 18... We want them to participate in worship in the service (appropriate to their age) as soon as they can, whether it be singing/dancing along to the songs, praying the prayers/creeds, listening to the talk, chatting in the discussion bits...


  • Children learn so much by observing and experiencing. To see their mum or dad (and the rest of the church family) singing their heart out in worship, listening deeply to the bible and sermon, confessing their sin earnestly... As they look around, they will see that church is important. to their parents. This is deeply powerful.


  • God can work in tiny hearts. He can do more than we could ever imagine. Week in, week out, God works by his spirit, through his word, to bring people to himself. He works through church!


What happens for children during cross-over?


During Cross-over (the bit in between our two morning services!) Treasure Seekers run from 10:30-11:15am. These are groups for our children age 0-10s. We want these to be places where our children grow to be spiritually healthy, relationally connected, ready to go out and confidently transform our community with the good news about Jesus.


This is where our children meet each week for their Treasure Seeker groups in Church House:

treasure seekers door signs (3).png

Please drop off and collect your children from their rooms punctually.


Make sure your child's medical information, emergency contact details and additional needs are up to date on ChurchSuiteIf you want to register a new child please fill out our online form.


We always take safeguarding seriously. 


Why not print this one page prayer resource or download it on to your tablet. Then have a ten minute conversation with your children. You can write or draw answers to each of the questions. Then simply talk to God - tell him what you're feeling and ask him for help. He loves to hear us talk to him.​

PRAY sheet for families.png

Christ Church Cockfosters partner with the 11th Southgate Scout group. 
Some of our church family are part of, or help lead, the different groups.
Get in touch at 

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